The best diet

measuring hip volume while following the diet itself

Having decided to lose weight, we looked for the very, very - fastest, simplest, safest, most effective diet. But more often than not, the diet is fast, safe, effective, or simple. However, among all the diets, you can find some that combine the maximum advantages of various diets and minimal disadvantages. About such a diet, the most of all diets, and will be discussed further.

The simplest diet

The simplest diets are diets, foods and products that you do not need to select and cook for a long time, the regimen is easy to follow and does not require additional procedures (such as enemas used in some diets). The simplest diet diet consists of ordinary foods prepared in the usual way (unless there are restrictions, such as the exclusion of fried, fatty, spicy foods, sweets, pickles, smoked and canned foods, flour, potatoes, soda, starch , alcohol). The diet is the simplest - it is a limitation of the usual calorie intake and the exclusion of harmful foods. Depending on the time you plan to lose weight, limit your diet to 200-500 kcal per day, exclude junk food, drink more green tea and you will lose about 3-5 kg every month.

Another simple diet is a diet based on kefir and a combination of kefir with other products (with oatmeal, buckwheat, apples, grapefruit and the like). The duration of such a diet, as a rule, is no more than 2 weeks, weight loss reaches 5-7 kg, but it is worth remembering that the kefir diet, like other mono diets, is not the safest diet. Their food is unbalanced, and the menu is not varied, so you shouldn't get carried away.

Another simple diet is a balanced diet. This diet is the simplest, because, on the one hand, it clearly regulates your diet, on the other hand, it leaves room for choice. The menu is structured according to the following formula:

  • breakfast: 100-150 g of cereals or cereals, up to 50 g of dried fruit, nuts or honey, up to 150 g of protein foods (eggs, meat, fish, dairy products), tea or coffee without sugar;
  • second breakfast: fruit, vegetables or fermented milk products;
  • lunch: low-fat soup with vegetables or cereals, meat, poultry or fish in boiled or grilled form or in the form of cutlets or meatballs, for garnish - peas, vegetables of any kind, cereal or baked potato, compote or juice, for dessert - fruit or fruit pudding, jelly;
  • afternoon snack: fruit, vegetable or fermented milk product (must be different from the second breakfast);
  • dinner: up to 200 g of protein food (other than at lunch) or porridge from cereals or legumes, vegetables or fruits;
  • before bed: fermented milk products.

Eating according to this formula will allow you to eat well and healthily and get a beautiful slim figure, although the results will have to wait several months (depending on your weight). In addition, it is one of the safest diets, has practically no contraindications, can be observed at any age and with any health conditions (except for allergies or diseases indicated for a therapeutic diet). The advantage of this diet is that it is a diet without weight gain - after all, this nutritional formula is nothing more than a healthy balanced diet; when your weight returns to normal, just continue eating according to this formula and you will stay slim.

If we talk about diets without weight gain, we definitely remember the Atkins diet and the Kremlin diet. This is not the simplest diet, but in its structure there are separate stages aimed at losing weight and its subsequent stabilization. Therefore, if you want to lose weight permanently, pay attention to this diet, the best diet without weight loss.

The safest diet

weighing while following the diet itself

The safest diets, as a rule, are not the fastest and do not promise great results in a short time. For safe weight loss, the body takes time, without harm to health, you can lose no more than 1. 5 kg per week, so the safest diet will not give you a loss of 6-8 kg per week. But if you choose a safe diet, you will not only lose excess weight, but also maintain and improve your health.

One of the safest diets has been discussed above. There is another diet, the essence of which is quite simple: you eat every day as usual (excluding only unhealthy foods), and limit your diet to 500 kcal 2 days a week. Thus, you will lose weight by 2-4 kg per month without endangering your health.

In general, it is not so difficult to distinguish the safest diet from the one that can harm you: if the diet is strictly limited in the amount of food consumed and whole food groups are excluded from it (for example, meat or cereals), then such a diet is not safe. If the diet contains all the necessary products from plants and animals, there are fluids, hot dishes, foods from raw foods, fast carbohydrates (honey, berries, sweet fruits, nuts, dried fruit), and calorie content of the food. of this diet at least 1300-1500 kcal per day, then this diet is the safest.

The toughest diet

These diets are the most severe, not everyone can tolerate them, they are very difficult to tolerate and can harm your health.

The first place among the toughest diets can be given to the abc diet (Ana Boot Camp) - this is a long-term diet with extreme restriction of calorie intake (on the most "full" days it is permissible to eat no more than 800 kcal) and periodic hunger strikes. You can call this diet the most dangerous - even fasting on water is less harmful to the body than the abc diet.

Even among the most severe diets, one can name all single diets and diets on a limited set of foods - even if the foods that make up the diet satisfy hunger, you begin to experience severe discomfort from a monotonous menu on day 2-3 , and on dayto 5-6 you have started to hate what you eat. Not everyone can transfer such a diet.

Another heaviest diet is "3 eggs 2 oranges. " As the name suggests, your daily diet is limited to 3 eggs of any type and 2 oranges or grapefruit in equal quantities. Such a diet is the most obvious hunger strike, and although the products used in it are very useful, they are too few in number. The calorie content of the diet of such a diet does not exceed 450-480 kcal per day, with the norm of 2000 kcal, that is, this diet does not provide for the energy needs of the body even with !

How to choose the best diet

When choosing a diet, don't just trust the reviews of friends and girlfriends - the diet that suits them may not necessarily work for you. Choosing the best diet for yourself, first answer yourself a few questions: how long do you give yourself to lose weight and how many kilograms do you want to lose, are you ready to continue cooking diet foods, or do you not have time for this, do youYou can eat 5-6 times a day, whether you are going to exercise, what foods you can easily exclude from the diet, and which ones are the most difficult for you to separate, whether you have diseases of internal organs and other contraindications to the diet . . .

The answers to these questions determine which diet is right for you.